
Printing Planners

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Earlier this month I had a lot of little todos piling up and a bunch of deadlines approaching. Historically I haven't been the most organized when it comes to personal tasking, and I could see this problem rearing it's ugly head again with the oncoming deluge of things-to-doTM .

I've always kept a notebook lying around so I started trying to list everything I knew I needed to tackle in it so I would be less likely to forget them all. While it worked, I found my notes went from an assortment of doodles and random thoughts to nothing but bulleted lists. While it was good I was getting shit done, I kinda wanted my notebook to be a bit more flexible in it's use. So, I decided to look into picking up a planner. I wanted something with the following:

While I'm sure there's plenty of existing planners that offer all that, I ended up giving up searching for an existing solution and designed one myself as an exercise.

A photo of my zine planner for February, featuring a small calendar on the cover

It's been a while since I made anything zine-like, so this was a fun excuse to boot Scribus back up and put a little thing together. I made sure to design it so that I can print one on demand and use it for any month of any year (assuming the modern calendar doesn't change in size anytime soon). Leaving fields blank for year, month, dates, allows me to print as many pages as I might need for a month, fill out the fields by hand, and be good to go for the month.

A photo of the inside of my February planner, showing blocks for the day and some TODOs

After using one for most of February, I found it to be fairly helpful. As with any new routine, you only get as much out of it as you put into it. When I was regularly blocking out my days it proved (for the most part) incredibly helpful in keeping me on track and accomplishing my goals. When I didn't take the time to fill it out, though, I definitely decreased in productivity/focus. Still, I think it was worthwhile enough for me to print one off for March. I even tried to saddle stich it, since the staples in my February planner didn't quite hold out. It's an ugly first attempt, but if it works out better I'll be doing that every month going forward.

If you're interested in printing your own, you can find the cover and insert PDFs below. I print the cover single-sided on card stock, then print all but the outermost insert page on both sides to ensure each day has room for blocked-out time elements on the left and todos/notes on the right for each day.

Welcome Back

Thursday, February 09, 2023

After a lengthy hiatus in terms of site updates, I'm back with a site update. I stopped work on Deluxe some time ago, and got a bit burned out with day job stuff. I also wasn't the happiest with how the static site generator's been working. So, to hopefully improve things here on the site and make my life easier, I did a bit of learning and 'Flask'-ified my site. I picked up a bunch of new skills working with Docker, Flask, and Nginx to get a nice new backend running my site, which should let me effectively drag-and-drop new posts.

(If you're seeing this post, that means it's working!)

Keeping this one short for now, just to tell my website I'm alive. Planning on having some news up on my current VR project (a puzzler prototype with promise) in the near future.

BGSjam XVIII Post-mortem

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Last weekend I took a break from working on Deluxe (which was more of a break from playing Riven, since day job stuff has me avoiding my office in the evenings/weekends) to hang out at Buffalo Game Space for BGSjam XVIII. My intent was to be around to assist with any projects that needed code or Blender assistance, but once that wasn't really much of a thing needed I made a little game.


"Passageways" announcement image used on the BGS Twitter account

The theme of the jam was "Passageways". There was some really great brainstorming at the start, and a lot of excellent ideas got tossed around by folks. I couldn't stay late as I had double-booked myself, but the idea of a hallway kept coming back to me. Eventually this morphed into the great base-raiding sequence Contra , and I thought it'd be fun to take a stab at remaking that in Godot.

Animated GIF of the the enemy base level in Contra (NES)

The Result

While it's unpolished, I did end up succeeding at remaking that general concept into a game by the end of the weekend. Passageway (very original title) is a small arcade shooter in which you progress down hallway segments by destroying a big red orb at the end of the hall, all while killing/evading enemies.

The Process

The project began as all good jam games do - with a player controller. Quickly hobbling together some basic input mappings and attaching them to a KinematicBody got me most of the way there, but almost immediately afterward I decided the smart thing to do is recreate the Creature class/scene I'm (roughly) using for Deluxe . A root KinematicBody with a base collider, a Hitbox area, and a custom Health node with some signals for when it's damaged/killed got me the base scene for the player, enemies, and even the Hallway Switch. Inheriting and adding a new script that contains input parsing drives the player character, some very simple movement logic drives the enemies that move.

The biggest issue I ran into, which I'm still not sure why it was happening, was that the inherited scripts did not fire off the parent functions when the child function is called by a signal connected on the base scene. I had to use the .parent_func() approach to get them to fire, which I'm fairly certain I don't have to do in the Deluxe project.

Once the creatures were in I started adding some basic weapons, which in turn shoot bullets that are also creatures. Super easy.

Next came the hallways themselves, and this was the first "new" thing I did. The game uses a base Hallway scene that has a Position3D that indicates where the next hallway should be connected, and a script with a signal alerting a Hallway manager when it's been "completed". This was meant to be fired off in various ways (kill all the enemies in a room, defeat a boss, etc), but for the jam it ended up only being "Switch" objects - Creature scenes that, when destroyed, tell the Hallway that it's done.

When the Hallway determines that it's finished, it alerts the Hallway Manager, which in turn selects the next Hallway at random from a pool of Hallway scenes, instances it, and attaches it to the current Hallway. Then some more events fire off, triggering a door opening animation on the current Hallway, changing the current Hallway to the "completed" Hallway and the "next" Hallway to the current Hallway. I also manage animating the transition between Hallways here, and enable/disable the creature logic so the player can't move during the transition and the enemies can't move/shoot. This was a stylistic choice more than anything, as Contra does basically the same thing.

With these elements in place, I blocked out five-ish Hallways and threw them into the Hallway Manager. The end result is the game you can download now on itch.


I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. It was the first game jam I've actually participated in in a while, and it was a lot of fun. Not only that, but I think that this little project could turn into a much larger one at some point. I'd like to make it co-op multiplayer and functional on the BGS arcade cabinet. Maybe add some aiming similar to Sin & Punishment , and obviously give it some real art and music/sfx. So we'll see.


As mentioned at the start, I've fallen a bit behind on Deluxe progress. This whole month I'm dealing with a big release for my day job and I've got a bunch of non-game-dev fun things on my calendar because hell yes it's Summer and I wanna get outside. BUT , I do suspect that in the next week or so I'll start working on it again and will have another update to share following that next sprint.

Deluxe: Sprint 3

Friday, May 20, 2022

Another two weeks, another sprint report. This time round I learned a whole lot about interacting with the Physics server via GDScript, and got some very cool AI stuff implemented. Also managed a little bit of cleanup, making the creature scenes clearer.

Consolidate Hitboxes and Hurtboxes

My initial creature scene used two colliders for damage - one for causing damage to another collider, and one for taking damage. The more I worked with it the more redundant it seemed, so I decided to consolidate them into a singular collider.

The new node tree for Creatures, now with a single "Hitbox" node handling damage collisions

This was so easy to do. Thank you Scene inheritance, Godot. All I had to do was update the Physics layers checked for the Enemy/Player Hitboxes and add an Impact_Damage exported variable to replace the Hurtbox Damage export. Removed the Hurtboxes from baseline creatures and deleted the baseline Hurtbox scenes/script, and everything just worked.


Teleportation in VR is a solved problem in most engines, and Godot is no exception . However, I like trying to implement my own version of things occasionally, when existing implementations are a bit heavy and it's not a terribly complex thing to implement on your own. So I spun up a TeleportationManager that handles calculating when and where a player can teleport around the scene. In doing so I actually learned about a lot of features that I'll be utilizing in the future.

When the user wants to teleport, the manager runs a quick and dirty simulation of throwing an object out from the controller. The manager has parameters for the distance between each step of the throw calculation and a gravity value. On each step, starting at the controller's position and using the -Basis.Z of the controller's transform, I set a start and end point that make up a step in the arc simulation. Using the PhysicsDirectSpaceState , I call intersect_ray() and check for any collisions in this step. If there aren't any, I set the next start point at the current end point, then calculate the new end point by adding normalized vector of the difference between the previous start and end positions, the gravity multiplied by the current iteration step, and the length of the step defined by the manager. If there is a collision, I use the normal to verify it's a flat surface the user can teleport to, and then set the potential teleport position to the intersection position.

Using the PhysicsDirectSpaceState is so much cleaner to me than using a RayCast node. It's similar to the way raycasts work programmatically in Unity, and much more flexible than the RayCast node IMO. There's also options for checking intersection using shapes, which I imagine I'll be able to use for things like spherecasting.

Rendering the arc utilizes the MultiMeshInstance node. I'd never tried it before, and it was shockingly easy to spin up. I set the MultiMesh up with a mesh in the editor, then programmatically set the number of instances and their positions based on the cached points of the arc created during the throw simulation described above. I initially meant to use the cached data to dynamically create an arc mesh, but I kinda like the billboarded sprite look and might keep it.

Graybox first level

Screenshot of the grayboxed test level in Godot Kinda wild that I've already hit a point where I need to start prototyping play spaces. The primary goal of this was to have something that a player could teleport around and enemy AI could fly about, searching for the player ship or another target of interest. CSGs were a huge help here, letting me quickly hobble together some basic geometry that's slightly more interesting than the basic meshes while still being easier and faster to hammer out than creating a small level in Blender.

Navigating Flying NPC prototype

Most of this sprint was focused on figuring out how to get the enemy AI to actually work. The initial implementation worked on a theoretical level, but was way too computationally expensive (and also overkill, as I later worked out). The followup was simpler, extensible, and what currently exists in the project.

At first I thought it'd make sense for the enemies to have a good general awareness of their immediate surrounding geometry. Not just the player, but the level as well. I started digging into raycasting as a way for the AI to "look" in various directions and navigate towards a given target. Using the PhysicsDirectSpaceState (accessible via any Spatial node), I set one raycast to see if there was any objects blocking the way to the AI's target and a subsequent pair of nested loops that would scan the surrounding space with calls to intersect_ray() . If there wasn't anything between the AI and the target, it set it's next destination to the target's position. Otherwise, the looped raycasts would search a limited distance around itself, and the point nearest the target with no collisions would be the AI's next position. Once the AI was near the position it selected, the process would repeat.

This worked in principle, but the high number of raycasts crushed the framerate (I think, more on that later). What probably would've passed as fine on desktop for a prototype was nauseating in VR, clocking in around 45 FPS on average.

So I started thinking about what I actually wanted this AI to do. After some whiteboarding, notebook doodling, and playing a bit of Descent , I came up with a state machine approach. Each enemy creature got an AIBrain node, which contains (among other things) a state the brain is currently in. Each AI tick (currently Physics ticks, because this stuff is fast) an AIService evaluates what the brain knows and makes decisions on whether or not to change state, and what state to change to. The brains have a bunch of knobs for twiddling, like vision distance, field of view (FOV), boredom, pain tolerance, and more, that should allow for some distinct behaviors. Additionally, it's up to the creature itself to determine just how it should move or act based on the state of the brain and what data it contains. Thanks to class inheritance and signals, I can create new creatures that all move, look, and shoot differently with (hopefully) minimal fuss.

I captured some video of the initial prototype of this in action, with a number of ships with the same brain parameters. They all begin in the "IDLE" state, have a FOV of 90 degrees and can see 1 meter, and get bored after a couple seconds. If the player ship comes into their view distance, in their field of view, AND isn't blocked by some other geometry, the enemy enters "CHASING" mode, moving very slowly while turning towards where it saw the player so it's eventually facing dead-on. If it loses sight of the player ship, either by the player moving out of it's FOV, view distance, or just moves behind a big blocking object, the enemy enters "SEARCHING" mode. In this instance, that means moving in the direction it last saw the player ship. While "SEARCHING", it's 'boredom' level is increasing ever second. If the boredom level hits or passes the brain's 'attention span' parameter, the enemy goes back to the "IDLE" state. However, if it sees the player before it gets too bored, it goes back to "CHASING".

There's additional logic for moving into weapons range to enter an "ATTACKING" state, and an "EVADING" state for moving out of the way of player projectiles or other threats, but that's not fully wired up yet and will tie into Sprint 4.

What's Next

Enemy AI attack and evasion

While the states are there, more testing is needed for attacking. Evasion also needs the logic actually implemented on the enemy, so it can do something more than just recognize it's being attacked.

Grip Swap

A holdover from this last sprint, it just got pushed as I felt the AI work was a higher priority.

Snap Turn

Another VR standard, the ability to snap turn the player in increments is super handy. I've already found myself missing it while testing AI, so this'll be a relatively high priority this sprint.

Pickups/Player Weapon Changing

Items that the player can collide with to increase health or upgrade their weapon is a big one. This will probably get split into a few different tickets, one being a rough draft of how the weapon upgrade system will work.


As always, things take longer than expected. Still, progress on this has been solid IMO. Thanks for following along so far. Be sure to follow me over at and for bite-sized content updates and videos as they get posted!

Deluxe: Sprint 2

Friday, May 06, 2022

What is this?

I'm working on a game! Currently titled "Deluxe", it's a continuation of the VR Starfox-like I was working on early last year. The on-rails forward motion has been removed and replaced with a player-navigatable space, drawing inspiration from games like Bulk Slash and Geograph Seal.

I'm also trying to keep myself on track by running sprints (~two week dev cycles where I tackle small- to mid-tier tasks in an ever-growing backlog). At the conclusion of each sprint, which neatly coincides with a BGS dev meetup, I'll be presenting results at said meetup and posting a recap of what got done and a peek at what's next. These recaps are broken down by ticket, so each title is the task lifted right from my sprint tracking doc. The content is (mostly) my notes from completion of the ticket.

The Sprint 1 Recap

You might've noticed this is sprint 2, and there's no post for sprint 1 on the blog. I hadn't quite worked out how this was going to function when I started the project, so that post just got skipped. What you missed was basic project setup, some planning, and creation of the core Creature type, which I'll probably put a post together on in the future. For now all you need to know is Creatures are the main elements of the game, from the player ship and enemies to projectiles, destructable objects, item pickups, and pretty much anything else that isn't a static object like most of the game environment.

Now, on to the Sprint 2 progress!

Map out player controls

Screenshot of the controller mappings doc

I took a peek at the Steam Hardware Survey , specifically to see what the currently popular headsets are. Combining that with the Controller mappings note in the issues section of the Godot OpenXR plugin, I came up with a shortlist of the controllers I'd like to target, and from came up with a list of actions I think I'll need for the game and menus. Drafting them up in a doc helps me keep tabs on all the things, and it made bringing it all into Godot's Input Map much easier.

Audio Mixer

Screenshot of the current mixer layout in Deluxe

This was (so far) shockingly simple. Audio's probably my weakest skillset when it comes to game dev, so I'll likely eat those words later. Anyway, creating an AudioBusLayout is incredibly easy, and appears to have a lot of flexibility. The AudioBusLayout contains AudioBuses , which you can imagine as a bunch of different channels in a mixer. Each AudioBus can get it's own levels and effects, and you can chain AudioBuses into one another to allow for grouping of mixes. In this first pass, the "parent" channels handle Music, UI, and game sound effects (SFX). Ambient sounds for the player and enemies are mixed into a general Ambient mixer, and player/enemy projectiles have their own mixers. Ambient and projectile mixers all pipe into the SFX mixer.

Audio sources on creatures, weapons

Screenshot of the player missile node tree and the AudioStreamPlayer3D options

Another fairly easy one. Since I'm instancing scenes for creatures and weapons, I just needed to add an AudioStreamPlayer3D to the baseline scene others inherit from, and they all get one. Setting the appropriate AudioBus on the baseline scene means the inheriting scenes get the right channels on the mixer assigned automatically.

Placeholder sound effects

Some old-skool sample CD covers

Fun fact: there is a veritable treasure trove of old-skool sample CDs floating around on the Internet Archive. Naturally none of this stuff can be used unless I purchase a license for it, but for testing stuff out and getting some killer classic sound effects/ambient audio? chef's kiss

Seeking projectiles

Creatures, as they currently exist in the game, can use an optional Move_Target Spatial that they'll follow around/move towards at their given speed. I put this in originally because I needed a way for the player ship to fly towards the player's hand. Once I started working on the homing missiles (which double as a simple entry point to some dumb enemy "AI"), I decided to take advantage of the Move_Target as a way to both steer the missile creature and give it something to look at.

Missiles inherit the base creature script and export a Target spatial node path. If assigned, during _physics_process the missile's Move_Target is pushed towards the Target with a given force and moving roughly at the same speed as the missile itself. One problem with this is the missle can catch up with the Move_Target , but it's not such a big problem that the missile stops working. The end result is some simple missile creatures that can, eventually, hit something no matter where they started pointing when they entered the scene. The exported value for Homing_Force allows for easy tweaking.

Baseline destroyed creature scene

Particles baybeeeeeeee! Godot's particle system is really fun to play with, and just throwing a little explosion together with it is a breeze. Add some dynamic scaling to particles and a nice billboarded sprite material, and you've got some fun ka-booms!

Game Manager/Baseline Level scene

This is the one thing that kinda sorta didn't get "completed", because it's still too early to really know what this is. The Game Manager in particular isn't fleshed out fully because I'm undecided on whether I want to use one single Autoload for managing all game state and major functions, or if I want to break it down into several smaller Autoloads that are more focused on a given task. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Also, tracking game state ties into the Baseline Level scene. I've got a basic scene for managing a gameplay level, that can register itself to the current Game Manager implementation and provides helper functions for adding new children to the scene under the appropriate parent nodes (things like projectiles, spawned enemies, and items). In building this out, I realize that I can actually use the level scene itself as the "state" of the game, rather than some external class or enum. It can hold logic for what scene/state to transition to next, keeping things simpler and clearer for me as I add more levels and other scene types.

What's Next

Consolidate Hitboxes and Hurtboxes

Right now creature damage utilizes two separate colliders, a hitbox and a hurtbox. The hurtbox defines damage done to another creature, and scans for hitbox colliders to do said damage. Even when I was first creating it it was getting confusing, so I'm going to try combining them into a singular hitbox for sanity's sake.


Player movement is an absolute must, so this has to get in. I'll need this for things like the Graybox First Level as well, so I can start playing with level scale and navigation comfort.

Grip Swap

Given the nature of ship control in this, I'd like to be able to let the player swap hands on the fly so their arms don't get too tired too quickly.

Graybox First Level

Blocking out a simple stage that the player can teleport around and shoot at things in is basically a step away from a vertical slice. Absolute must to see if the gameplay is actually going to be as potentially fun as I think it'll be.

Navigating NPC Prototype

The homing missiles were the first test of creating AI for a Creature object. This is the next big step, giving it awareness of the environment. This comes after the graybox, so there's actually an environment for it to navigate.


If you made it this far, thanks! I'm really excited about this project, and clearly excited to write about it. Sprint 3 should wrap on 5/19, so expect a new big post then. Also, you can find me over at and posting more immediate updates and video content occasionally, so give me a follow for little bits along the way.